Yzena provides professional services supporting Yc, including Rig, Yao, and Yvm.

Customers can purchase:

Responses to Bug Reports

$100 per bug report


Yzena will not respond to bug reports from commercial entities without purchased responses.

Responses can be purchased in bulk.

If you think $100 is high, remember that the total cost of a senior software engineer is about $500k, which translates to about $250 per hour. A $100 bug report is paying for 24 minutes of my time, and I’ll probably provide more than that.

License Grants

$25 per grant per version per person, or

$100 per person for 4 versions or all versions released in one year, whichever is longer


License grants include removing the requirement to follow the SSPL and switching the Yzena Noncommercial License for the non-viral Yzena Access License.

License grants apply to specific versions, and the grants are nonrevocable in perpetuity. Got a license? Keep your license.

These are designed to incentivize new development in order to convince customers to buy new license grants.

In addition, the price is meant to be smaller than the max allowable purchase amount for individual software teams.

Want to donate to Yc development but you can’t for legal reasons? License grants come with a business expense invoice.

Customers with license grants will receive information about security vulnerabilities during embargo.

Prices do not include sales tax.

It is possible that Yzena-supported software by one team in a medium-to-large company that has a team-wide license grant might begin to be used across more of the company. In that case, the license grants are still non-revocable. However, if the software spreads across a significant portion the target users within the company, Yzena may ask the company to upgrade to a full support contract when the current license grants expire.

New Development

Customers who need features that don’t exist, but are on the roadmap, can pay to expedite development.

The amount paid is up to the customer, but the amount does affect the priority of the development.


The customer can attach a deadline to the development. If it is not met, Yzena will refund the customer in full.

Once development is finished, the customer is entitled to free support until the feature is stabilized, and once the feature is stabilized, the customer will have the option of converting the entire amount paid to license grants or a support contract.

This is designed to give customers a way to vote with their wallets for features and to put their money where their mouth is.

Yzena will not accept new development that is not on the roadmap to prevent external entities from exerting undue influence on Yzena’s software.

If customers need a feature that is not on the roadmap, they should contact Yzena because Yzena may be able to design it in a way that would work for Yzena and the customer.

Customers with new developmont contracts will receive information about security vulnerabilities during embargo.

Support Contracts

Need the best? Then get a support contract:

  • Automatic customer-wide license grant for the duration of the contract.
  • Accepting, processing, and responding to bug reports. No separate purchase necessary.
  • Real-time chat support during business hours.
  • Prioritized asynchronous support through email, for anyone with an email address tied to the customer.
  • Prioritized new development.
  • Integrating Yc software with external software.
    • For example: Yzena can write and document your build scripts for you.
    • Another example: Yzena can write and document the runtime capabilities checks for Rig/Yao that you need.
  • Making Yzena an official supplier/vendor.
    • As part of contract negotiation, your needs will be fleshed out in a Purpose document (example), and Yzena will be contractually obligated to meet that purpose through all releases for the duration of the contract.
    • In other words, Yzena will be required to make Yc “fit for purpose” and ignore the disclaimers in the YNL.

Without a support contract, Yzena is not a supplier, and the disclaimers of warranty, duty, and relationship in the YNL still apply.

Customers with support contracts will receive information about security vulnerabilities during embargo.

There is also a separate option for 24/7 live support.

Contact Yzena for pricing and details.


Customers will be prioritized in the following order:

  • Bug reports and new development for customers with 24/7 support contracts.
  • Bug reports and new development for customers with regular support contracts.
  • Bug reports for customers with purchased bug report responses.
  • New development for customers with new development contracts.
  • Finding new customers until there is enough revenue for supporting the equivalent of one well-paid senior software engineer after costs.
  • Bug reports for customers with license grants.
  • Bug reports and new development for software that Yzena depends on.
  • Bug reports and new development for private individuals who use Yc for FOSS personal projects.

Customers with new development contracts do not receive responses to bug reports, and are lower priority than paid bug report responses, because money paid for new development contracts is not considered to be Yzena’s funds; instead, it is considered a liability until the customer accepts completion of the requisite feature(s).

Bug reports for customers with license grants are lower priority than finding new customers because license grants are cheap; a grant for four versions is the same as one bug report. If customers with license grants want a higher priority, they can purchase responses separately.


If your company needs other professional services, contact Yzena, and a deal can be negotiated if Yzena can help.