Poisoning GitHub Copilot and Machine Learning

Please see the disclaimer. Update, 08 July 2021: GitHub has confirmed that all public code that was on their servers was used to train Copilot. That means some of my code was used, though it was older versions. I suggest deleting all code off of GitHub if you can. GitHub has been on my radar before, and it wasn’t for a good reason. Well, it’s on my radar again, and it’s once again not for a good reason: Copilot....

July 7, 2021 | 9 min | 1854 words

I Am Moving Away from GitHub

Please see the disclaimer. As of today, I am moving all of my personal projects, including my Yzena projects, away from GitHub and onto a server that I administer. There are three reasons for this. First, GitHub will block access to projects because of trade sanctions. Second, GitHub will inexplicably block access to projects when an author calls someone a cruel, crude, and rude name. This is not sensitive; it is authoritarian....

April 8, 2020 | 1 min | 155 words

What Yzena Is

Please see the disclaimer. I have mentioned the term “Yzena” a few times, so I should probably tell my readers what it is. As I said before, I have several ideas that I might turn into a business. When I first got those ideas, I came up with a name that I reserved so that I could use it. That name was Yzena. In other words, Yzena is the name of the business that I will use to commercialize my ideas....

January 17, 2020 | 1 min | 81 words

Code of Conduct for Yzena

Please see the disclaimer. I don’t like Codes of Conduct. They can be easily misused. So Yzena doesn’t have one and never will. But I do reserve the right to eject people from the community who, I believe, have behavior that is detrimental to the health of the project(s), community, and any other members of the community. In other words, I am BDFL, and I take direct responsibility for maintaining a healthy community....

November 5, 2018 | 1 min | 73 words